

Reasons for declining sexual interest in girls

Reasons for declining sexual interest in girls

Find out with treatment why women are reluctant to co-bus

.Reasons for declining sexual interest in girls Find out with medical why women are reluctant to co-bus -1. Does your wife use oral contraceptives? Contraceptive pills can often reduce testosterone levels in the body and reduce sexual desire. You can skip the pill and try any other contraceptive. Keep in mind that even if you stop taking the pill, it may take some time for its effects on the body.

2. Does your wife feel pain during intercourse, or is there any physical pain? Many times the vagina of women is not lubricated properly due to various reasons. In this case, sex can be painful and as a result, the desire for sex does not arise. Rest assured that your wife has no such problem. If there is a problem, consult a gynecologist.

3. Sexual desire can also be reduced during pregnancy, childbirth, child-rearing, breastfeeding, etc., due to variations in hormone levels in the body. In addition, physical and mental fatigue while taking care of the child at that time can also have a bad effect on sex life. After pregnancy and childbirth, many people's body undergoes various changes (such as getting fat or thin, genital changes etc.). As a result, self-confidence decreases. Sexual desire can be less than that.

4. Sometime before menopause, women's sex hormone levels begin to drop. This can lead to a decrease in sexual desire, pain during intercourse due to improper lubrication in the vagina. Both are factors that hamper a healthy sex life.

5. Various mental illnesses such as mental exhaustion, anxiety, lack of self-confidence, previous bad sexual experiences, etc. can also cause women's minds to be hostile towards sex.

. Even if you have problems with your wife, it is very possible to have problems in sex life. If you can't communicate properly with each other or if you don't understand each other's needs, problems, if there is any unresolved quarrel, it is bound to have an effect on your sex life. The way you want to have sex may not be your wife's choice. In this situation, open discussion among ourselves is absolutely necessary. You can seek the help of a sex therapist or psychiatrist if needed. (Remember mental illness means but not just going crazy!)

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Insertion of nipples

During puberty, many girls have nipples on the inside of their breasts. In most cases only one side of the breast after this type of problem. No special treatment is required for this. This problem usually gets better on its own during pregnancy or lactation. If this problem does not get better during lactation, it may prevent the baby from breastfeeding. This type of mechanical suction device can be used to get rid of this problem. If this does not work, it is possible to solve this problem through cosmetic surgery, but it can often cut the breast duct and then cause new problems.

A new intrusion into someone's nipple in adulthood indicates a complex internal problem of the breast. This can happen if you have duct ecstasy, mastitis or tumors. A lot of the time it is cancer, but a new normal breast can enter the inside. So if this problem occurs again in old age, the doctor must be reminded.

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